I Feel Like Belly Dancing
I wanted to follow up last month’s newsletter about Source Point Therapy by sharing with you the great results I have been getting with my clients. Incorporating energy medicine into my existing Hellerwork practice has given me a wonderful new tool, which I am very excited to offer my clients.
For some time now I have been working with a client, I will call her Jasmine (not her real name). Jasmine is a healthy active woman with a passion for movement. We had made good progress balancing her body, freeing joint restrictions, and creating more ease of movement. However, we had not been able to free a restriction through her mid back. A rotation in several thoracic vertebrae made it easy to turn to the left, but not at all so easy to turn to the right.
Speaking with her at the start of our session, I told her about a new modality I was working with, Source Point energy medicine. She was curious as I talked about working with the energy body and using information scanned from her energy field to determine where and how to work. Jasmine was game to try it out.
As I began connecting her energy field to the “blueprint”, interference around and within her field began to clear and order became more present. Jasmine said “I am not sure why, but my body seems to know what it needs to do”. During the session the scan directed me to her mid thoracic spine. I did some gentle physical release work there, and then worked to restore the energy structure through her spine using Source Point techniques.
After more energy and physical release work on her body, Jasmine stood up and walked around my treatment room. I asked her how she was feeling and what she was noticing. With a big smile on her face she said, “I feel like belly dancing”. To emphasize her point she began undulating her spine in directions and with an ease not possible before the session. I laughed and told her to go for it.
I continue to be impressed by the results I am getting with my clients incorporating Source Point energy medicine into my existing treatment modalities. A new level is available for me to gather information about what my clients need to relieve symptoms and move towards health and ease. As you know I am not a “woo woo” kind of a guy, and I still love to get my hands into body tissue and moving stuff around, but energy medicine is real and it works. I will continue with classic Hellerwork and visceral work. However, this new tool makes me a more effective therapist and my work more powerful. All in the service of you, my clients.
A great benefit of Source Point Therapy is that it can be used for any muscular-skeletal issue including low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, plantar fasciitis, arm and hand conditions, jaw dysfunction, hip pain, and much more.
I am one of a small handful of bodyworkers in the Seattle area offering Source Point Therapy. Would you like to “feel like belly dancing”? Don’t put off feeling good, call and schedule a session!