It’s All About Energy
I am continually searching to find new tools and techniques to aid my clients in their desire to be free of pain, healthy, vital, and living with greater ease. Recently, I traveled to Boulder, Colorado to complete the first two modules of The Source Point Therapy training at The Rolf Institute with founder Bob Schrei. It is very exciting for me to add this treatment technique to my ever-expanding tool bag.
It is no secret our bodies are made up of energy. As quantum physics moves to the forefront, scientists now concur that human bodies are dense collections of energy. Experiments have measured the electrical current present and even photographed the human energy field. While we used to believe that our bodies ended at the skin surface, it is now clear we live within personal energy fields that extend several feet around our bodies. We interact with people and with our environment within and through this field.
We are constantly receiving and sending information by means of this field. This exchange of information informs us about the world around us, the people we come in contact with, and our own inner workings. Each human energy field is a complex, dynamic matrix of communication.
When there are blocks or breakdowns in this communication, our bodies suffer. Today, many healthcare practitioners, including myself, have become increasingly interested in the communication between our energy bodies and our physical bodies.
Source Point Therapy is based on the premise that our own energy fields contain the information that our bodies need in order to be well. Chronic pain, muscular skeletal dysfunction, loss of vitality, and disease manifest when blocks or breakdowns prevent our bodies from receiving the information needed to make the corrections and adjustments necessary to maintain health.
During my training, I learned to reconnect individuals to the “blueprint”, the matrix of healing energy containing the essential information necessary for health and vitality. This technique utilizes a diagnostic process of scanning the client’s energy field for blockages that obstruct the flow of energy and information. These blockages often indicate the source of the client’s presenting symptom complex. I am finding how effective this tool is in pointing out where to work to achieve the greatest change throughout the whole body. Source Point Therapy is an efficient way for practitioners to find and address the underlying source of pain and dysfunction while simultaneously providing relief for the symptoms.
The system also includes techniques to enhance, balance, and stabilize the energy field. Not only do clients report an easing of pain or discomfort, they also feel more or an easier flow of energy moving through their bodies. If they came in feeling anxious or stressed, they often leave feeling more calm and more ease. One common benefit of Source Point Therapy is that the body feels somehow lighter, yet well grounded. Who wouldn’t want that?
I will continue to explore and share the uses and benefits of Source Point Therapy as I integrate this powerful, cutting-edge technique into my existing bodywork modalities of Hellerwork and Visceral Manipulation. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have when you schedule your appointments or during your sessions. I’m excited about bringing Source Point Therapy to Seattle.